Tuesday, January 13, 2009


just so you guys know, I'm going to start posting blogs only once a week unless something major happens or I get extra free time. But my schdule is really busy (in a good way). And I need to put 100% of my focus on God and this program rather then blogging every single day. But just so you know I am having an absolute BLAST!!!!!! We got assigned our "acts of service" today. Which is kind of like chores. and im assigned breakfast duty1 (which is SUPER easy, just early)
But I'm having the time of my life and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it here =] tonight were going to town to do street evanglism so that should be intersesting!its just passing out papers and tracks. YWAM doesnt do that street "preaching" stuff haha. so I guess we'll see how that goes!!!!! lol

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