Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day One

So today was my first official day moving into YWAM Salem.
I share a room with 2 other girls...which might end up only being 1 other girl. But she
hasn't even arrived yet. Then the 3 of us share one bathroom with 3 girls across the hall. (crazzzzy..right?) So hopefully all will go well with that! haha
But tonight I'm all alone in my room. The roomies havn't arrived yet =[ I have been enjoying myself though. Just trying to settle in. I have already begun to feel a but homesick...but then I think about how incredible this truely is and I feel better.
Plus the campus is awesome, the staff are so nice! Really kind, loving, genuine people.
It turns out there is also a 2nd DTS going on right now, a Korean DTS. So we have students from Korea dorming with us to. It's pretty cool.
Honestly I'm not super motivated to blog right now sense I've been journaling all day. haha
But YWAM Salem really is a wonderful place. And I'm excited to see how the next week will unfold!
loveLOVElove- Double K

1 comment:

Lilliana Jones said...

My prayer for you is that this experience is an amazing one for you. I remember going off to Simpson knowing that's what God wanted for me... but it turned out that his purpose was to show me how much I truly love my home. My prayer for you is that God's purpose is to give you an amazing experience, and that you love EVERY SINGLE SECOND of it. There will be things that make you sad, you're going to see some terrible sights. You're also going to change things.