Sunday, January 25, 2009


One thing Mekeisha told us this week was this-
There was a lady she knew who had a vision during a prayer time of a little girl who was huddled in a corner crying and Jesus was standing beside her with His arms around her yelling "can I get some help over here?!?"- God is always always first on the scene trying to help and comfort those in need. But he does call for back up. WE are his back up. God has put us in charge to help those in need and to be His body here on earth. We are the body of Christ, so why are we ignoring the tragedies of the world? We are constantly stuck in the monotony of our usually complacent lives. When will we wake up and respond to God's call? He has called us to SO much more then what we're doing. And we are ALL called. If you don't believe that..READ your Bible. We are all called. We say we are giving Him our lives but how much are we really giving??? We need to be willing to respond to His call and do His will. Not out of obligation, but out of love. -"Can I get some help over here?!?!?" - respond!!! There is a great big world out there who NEEDS the body of Christ to respond! They need help and WE are the tools, WE are the anwser to God's call. Don't ignore it.

1 comment:

Autumn Leaf said...

Wow! Some powerful imagery there. It's like that song says; We are the body... thanks for reminding us. You are awesome!