Monday, January 12, 2009

orientation day

well day was the first day in class and I REALLY liked it. After everything they said in class I am just so crazy excited now! More than ever! The staff here are really incredible people. Their genuine love and sincerity in caring for us and discipling us amazes me. I mean, they pay to work here lol. They are totally volunteers called by God, and thats just so cool to me. I could absolutely see myself staying in YWAM, but we will see where God calls me. lol. The directors of my DTS, Troy and Amos are really cool guys too. And the schdule is awesome. They seriously have us busy almost every hour of the day!! But I think thats a pretty good thing =] and weekends we pretty much have off except on some saturdays we will go and do serivce projects liek feeding the homeless and stuff. Theres an opportunity to street evanglism friday night. ahaha. I'm maybe considering it. lol .Just because it's something I've never done and I wanna continue to stretch myself all the time. Anyways, I am still having a blast. I love it here. It just keeps getting better everyday =]

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